Lauren Ramage's journey with FIT College.
Lauren is a leading mother and after graduating as a personal trainer at FIT College, she’s ventured into leading other mothers to help them regain self-confidence and health. Her journey with us here at FIT College really pushed her out of her comfort zone and helped foster what she’s currently doing. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Lauren for a brief chat about her experience studying Certificate III SIS30315 and Certificate IV SIS40215 in Fitness.
I thought about it for a long time, and it wasn’t until I had my son, Harley, that I started getting back into fitness and the love for the gym, and what’s really possible – started grabbing my attention. I love working in hands-on environments and, albeit being unsure about wanting to put myself out of my comfort zone – I still went ahead and decided to jump on the opportunity to help others feel the confidence, happiness and health I had regained.
With the course being so well structured and having all my assignments completed during class hours, spending time with Harley was still an easy thing to manage.
That’s so great to hear! What did you like most about studying on campus?
I absolutely dug the team environment in class, where we’re all working toward the same outcome. The gym experience and being so hands-on really fit my personality, together with the great teachers who were happy to answer and discuss any questions related to the topic to help us get the best experience possible.
Since finishing with FIT College, I’ve taken on a role coaching other mums in a group training environment, to help them regain confidence, happiness, health and feel happy with their bodies. This has allowed me to connect with many beautiful women and spend lots of quality time with Harley. Seeing other women reach their goals is absolutely amazing, and I’m truly looking forward to helping more mums and their families lead healthy and happy lives.
The one advice I would love to share would simply be; go for it! Step out of the comfort zone, learn new things, meet new people and discover what it’s like to learn about what health really is. It sure did open up a lot of opportunities for me, and whether it’s online or face to facestudies – I’m certain it’ll do the exact same thing for so many other mums!
Lauren, thank you so much for your time! It’s been a real pleasure and we’re truly looking forward to following your journey and the many lives you will help in the very near future.